Alright, Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. I be on some dope ****. Swimming in a pool full of roaches. That way I don’t have to worry about lunches. Web MD my diagnosis. Losing touch of reality, got the psychosis. Some think I’m precocious. Bunch of snowflakes stooges. Who have worse hair cuts than Brutus. Imma hit em with a 450 splash, psicosis! For this is where the juice is. Yeah, I ain’t take no losses. Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. I just might be the wokest. While others try to be racist, Calling me Pocahontas. Imma knock em down like I’m locksmith. It’ll be like a mortal Kombat victory, completely Flawless. To be honest, That is why I avoid those who are toxic, Who haven’t a conscious, So, to me their quips are nonsense. It’s simply quite atrocious, Afterall, it probably stems from them being jealous. So, why should I let it hinder my balance? Or roll with the punches? As far as I’m concerned, Haters can **** my phallus.