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Jul 2013
Remember when we were three?
When we used to run around my backyard with our grass stained knees?

Remember when we were six?
We were attached at the hip, with our matching outfits and silly tricks

Remember when we were nine?
That summer we spent our days making sandcastles on the shoreline

Remember when we were eleven?
When my parents got divorced?
I moved out of the neighborhood, and it seemed like you moved on from our friendship for good

Remember when we were thirteen?
When you started acting mean?
You started ignoring me at school
I guess that's when you started being "cool"

Remember when we were fourteen?
When you said I looked bulimic, with a disgusted look on your face
Guess what, that was the case
I could have used a friend, I wasn't well
Your words hurt like hell

Remember when we were fifteen?
When you took that pregnancy test?
To get boys to notice you you were always getting undressed  
I tried to ignore the rumors  
But they were about as glaring as a tumor

Remember when we were seventeen?
And you got that DUI?
Because you decided to drive drunk and high
I wanted to shake you
I wanted to believe that it wasn't true
That my best friend was now a stranger
That she would do something so dumb, putting herself and others in danger

I miss you
I miss the girl you used to be
The one who was so funny and carefree
We used to be two peas in a pod
But now when I see you things just feel odd
When I'm with you I might as well be alone, but I guess that's part of us becoming grown

Isn't it strange
How people change?
Claire E
Written by
Claire E
   stΓ©phane noir and Sir B
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