An Ordeal
Hush! Clamour's dying whence silence prevails,
Orchestra fades, only sinister laughs and wails,
The Sun's has lost shine but The Moon glistens,
Mysteries wane, a minstrel's sigh! Who listens?
Days rolled on and the Time hath a story to tell,
Tongue falters, for the mystery threw in a spell,
Distractions very oft' intersperse the pious trails,
Dithering in mist of euphoria, going off the rails.
In vast wilds with no anchoring, no manifestation!
Alack! Nobility bleeds at the altar of detestation!
There wert perfect goals, some question surfaced
On dualities, time and space, and so easily effaced
Life and death go in cycle, crux wrapped in shroud!
Some veiled, some existed, a labyrinth lies around,
There're tumults, many whirls, un-manifest shapes,
Some simple, a few charming lo swathed in drapes.
Those unwary, are mercilessly slain and cruelly bled,
Time takes to its wings, a sigh is heaved and it's fled,
Why must the devil win? Why must virtue shy vice?
'Tis a test! Be pious in judgment , none shall entice! (By Dr. Riaz Ahmad, December 12, 2020)