My most useful and active cells, those inner faces together, Between them there lies an old, used writing enabler; Will it interfere with these prayers? I loosen my grip on the material of the world, but taking only a second to press it against, preventing its fall to the plain ground.
I stopped. I thought if the pen of the world fell into pieces I would return it to its place with mere energy, but if I was to fall, my life and soul, Would I be able to be raised up again? I could be lost in the unending darkness for days and nights, I could stumble on the rock and remember a hill of thorns high up to my knees, ready to stab me uncountable times for my soul.
I would pick up my possession with slight trouble while I would be a miracle to be lifted up again into your everlasting light.
It was time for prayer. With a pen between my palms I thought 'What if this pen would interrupt this prayer?' I let the pen slide out but caught it again before it would fall to the ground. thoughts after