If I could look past myself to see the world around me, I know I'd be a better person. But instead, my thoughts create a light so blinding I have to put up shades that tint the world the color of insecurity just to see. These shades, this insecurity, is like a funhouse mirror that works against you, Making those around me immaculate Greek gods who stand a mile high As I stand lower than dirt wondering how their flaws only add to their perfection while mine stand out like scars on every surface of my body. But it brings with a comforting sense of consistency in an inconsistent world. It wraps you in an embrace so tight it both soothes and suffocates you, but you can't bare to let go. It becomes the overly understanding spouse you both despise and adore. No matter how many times you cheat on it with false hope and cheap popularity, it Keeps Coming Back
I'm so caught up in my past that I find myself walking backwards so I don't have to watch my future crumble around me But I found that just because I stand still, doesn't mean time will do the same. Time marched on and left me lost. "Here and now" became "There and Then" and I found myself standing in the "Soon to Be". I realized that at some point, my personality married the wind and left me in a gust that still leaves me cold.
A year ago I was asked if I knew who I was and I said I was like the one thing held constant in a science experiment. As people were placed in the caged existence, a world the size of a petri dish, I never changed. I knew who I was What I believed
If you asked me today, I wouldn't have an answer.
One day I questioned reason and existence. The day I looked to GodΒ Β and said "this can't be all there is, there has got to be more than this" was the day He sent me an instruction manual wrapped in a silver lining. I was told to look for the best image of myself and work to obtain it I found that it isn't easy turning the desert into the Garden of Eden