My sadness seeps out And pours over everything Tainting my world into a dull gray It seeps out over you, until nobody will stay I drag your ghost throughout my days Reminding me what I had, what I lost And why I’m sad and why I’m broken. This game I’ve played all my life. Down to a sliver or shadow of myself. Not real enough to live not real enough to do die. But I peer through the glass Underneath the bell jar I’ve made for myself Where I spin and stumble in my own Make believe world. To keep to safe or keep me sick. I’ve forgotten which is which. But now nothing matters. I finally had the dream. The one I’ve been dreaming of for years where suddenly you remember me. We laid in mourning due, in your bed like we used to and you touched my back And to my amazement it was you but you did not disappear or dissolve once I knew. You stayed and you spoke. Aware it was me. Finally again me knowing you and you knowing me.