A long conversation. You decided to reduced medication and focus on your emotions While thinking throughout the night and wondering? And honestly, you still don’t have any idea.
I. Recognised that I self-isolate to manage symptoms or when I have questions? I feel guilt for the people that I have let down, but I met a man today with allegations of guinea pigs and court dates for molesting his sister.
Then. Watched my managers head, explode as they never said “hello, Hi, or my name” in any email “its “so ******* rude” as she “makes me want to ******* leave, I dislike her and can't work with her”! “SO, SO, So MUCH I'm thinking of quitting, because of HER”. And I switched off and thought about my xgirlfriend- - Hope you're well?
With. A receptionist I tell her about a date tomorrow I told her my reservations, regarding meeting some new “that she had two children” and “It' was hard to get over one boy”-
“Dave you have not met her yet, don’t think about the end” I smile and it's true.