“I’m not going to apologize because I didn’t do anything wrong!” Ever one of us deal with are feelings Different than others. I like to express my emotions Through my poetry. There’s is nothing wrong Writing down, how you truly feel. I’m not the type of person To included my friends to What may be going through with me. I keep to myself I’m to grown to, to be Including my friends into my problem. Grown woman Keep there’s problems Between them. Don’t dish it out on social media. I’m not all about that kind of life. I’m a very understanding person. I don’t judge nobody. If I feel bad vibes I will just separate myself But I will respect them. This is how I feel. I’m not going to sugar cod it For anyone. Either you like me For who I am or you don’t. I’m a poetry writer **** good what I do. Life is to short to be keeping Everything inside. If you can’t talk Than write it down. Getting it off your chest.