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Jul 2013
Do not let anybody tell you
That your Love is not real.
Do not let anybody say
That just because you make
Passionate Love everyday
Instead of laugh and play
Video games
That your Love is not valid.
Do not listen to those that
Your Love language and
Their Love is not Your Love.
They have no right
To say that you two must never
In order to truly be in Love.
It does not matter
How many laughs you have had
Or kisses you have shared
In order to signify how much
You two truly care.
Love is not a
Dictionary definition.
And no two Loves
Are similar.
If you two have
Laughed together
Cried together
Smiled together
Held each other
Even fought with one another
And still
Through each of your
Highest points
And lowest points
You both fight to be together
Then that is Love.
If you both see
That together
You are worth it
Together you are Strong
Together you build each other up
Together you are One
And no one is getting hurt
Or taken advantage of
Then that is Love.
The rest
Are just beautiful and intricate
Do not let anybody
Try to tell you differently.
I wrote this in response to people saying things like, "People in Love never fight," or "Those who Love each other, do not need to succumb to physical pressure to prove that," or "You both have not had ***, so you do not Love each other."

No one has a right to judge somebody else's Love. Each and every Love between two people is different, and it can never be defined. Love should be celebrated and accepted, not teared down and put into a box.

Thank you.
Tori Hart
Written by
Tori Hart  Fort Worth, TX
(Fort Worth, TX)   
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