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Nov 2020
A-n apple a day may keep the doctor away
but never
B-ite off more than you can chew.

C-aught with your hand in the cookie jar
whether you eat it or not you're
D-amned if you do and ****** if you don't.

E-very rose has its thorns
and it hurts
F-or crying out loud.

G-et back up on the horse
even if the
H-andwriting is on the wall.

I- wasn't born yesterday
but today a
J-ourney of a thousand miles begins with the first step

K-now it like the back of my hand
but I will still be sure to
L-eave no stone unturned

M-ake no bones about it
it's so true that
N-ice guys finish last

O-nce in a blue moon
you need to
P-ay the piper

Q-uicker than a New York minute
it may begin
R-aining cats and dogs

S-wim with the sharks
T-ake the easy way out

U-phill battles
give us that
V-ariety as the spice of life

W-aiting for the dust to settle
I plan on utilizing
X-ray vision

Y-ou lost me
because you
Z-igged when you should have zagged.

'Yours and everyone's concrete poet'
Written by
TheConcretePoet  Isle of Poet
(Isle of Poet)   
   Jeremy Stacy
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