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Nov 2020
When I first saw you
With your blonde colored hair
In your cheerleader uniform
And your milky white skin
I despised you
I wanted you gone
People told me terrible things making me loathe you

When I first spoke to you
Your strong smile
Kind words
Beautiful eyes
I was fake
I talked behind your back
I pretended to like you when I was barely tolerating you

When we first texted each other
I told only two people
One who disliked you, the other who didn't
I was ashamed of talking to you
Even just as acquaintances
As we spoke over the weeks, my friend spit sins
Speaking of those lies others did believe
Lies that I had believed

But then
After months of sweet conversation
In my worst summer ever
I forgot
I forgot to despise you
I forgot to loathe you
I forgot it was all an act
Forgot the first times
And I felt

The first time I felt for someone as beautiful as you
Now I look at you, a whole year from the first time
Wishing I had you in my arms
Wishing to love you
For my love, Mady Hammer
Written by
Nero  17/Cisgender Female/Colorado
(17/Cisgender Female/Colorado)   
   Zan and Bogdan Dragos
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