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Jul 2013
Beyond every whisper of doubt,
And far past each pain-soaked shout,
Your shape, your shadow guided my way.

“Sing me a song,” I mumble,
Despite knowing you’re far too humble.
In spite of that, you sing anyway.

Your sarcastic humor and quick-minded wit
Made loving you too ****** hard to quit.
For my every “*******”, you counter: “God bless”.

Your voice shapes words I’ve longed to hear,
All while placing my heart upon its bier.
You’ve forced my hollowed soul into regress.

My minutes with you fly into the past.
You think quick, play hard, and live too fast.
And every night I’m alone, tears fall till I sleep.

Maybe I’m young, and adolescently naïve.
You’re throwing me a bone I’d beg to retrieve.
My faith in us takes form in a leap.

It’s exhausting doing this ridiculous dance,
Knowing full-well you won’t give us a chance.
“Just let me love you” is all I can say or think.

The slightest breeze, a calming zephyr,
Is enough to send through you a violent tremor.
You kiss my mouth and beg me for a drink.

Chest to chest, you hold me still.
Move my body, bend my will.
Still, your efforts go to waste.

The faintest touch, the smallest bite,
Shifts my cheeks from pink to white.
I kiss your neck and beg you for a taste.

A tangle of limbs, sweat, and screams
Make up our web of wet, sinful dreams.
This passion, desire, is too strong to ignore.

Yet, afterward, when our breathing is stable,
A lit cigarette still burning on the table,
I tell you this is different than before.

I said it was ***. You said making love.
I said no regrets. None you could think of.
We agreed that this was just for fun.

Color creeps in your cheeks. You make my head swoon.
It all looks so romantic and simple with the moon.
Tell me: does it look this good in the sun?
Rebecca Paul
Written by
Rebecca Paul  Pennsylvania
     Tajia Williams
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