I just don't care,tears evaporate in the air. I'm A punch out, put enough time now my heads in the clouds. Storms & lightning flashing. Hungry so I'm door dashing. But lost appetite I don't need to make A flyer. Just climbing for the views so I'm A get higher. My brain storms intense but yet can't keep a thought. I think of some good but I forgot. Now times ticking but I avoid glancing at the clock. I've been told I got potential. In all honesty it started off with A pencil. I doodled on pages. But mama's homie told her im just searching for changes.that idiot said they're just phases. I just about lost my mind. I tell myself keep writing things will take time. Wish I would of been able to rewind. So I can replay my flaws to keep the success to shine. This moment will be forever mine. Page after page. Now I'm awake. Never meant to snooze now I'm A stay woke. Wish I never struggle being broke. I can only hope. Picking A field full of wishies put my sanity out of control. But I don't care what anyone thinks, working on me, this is my personality, who else is trying to be happy. If I don't have anyone to love atleast I have me. I'm not even sickening. I'm just always over thinking. I break because **** gets overwhelming. Cleaning out my truck to sleep, cup of noodles to eat, hot tea to drink. Below zero outside but I learned how to chill and sleep. I don't care because I'll always have me.