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Nov 2020
I'll be gone

Those souvenirs you submerged
against our lashing tides
will resurface
and be washed out on shore

You'll hunt for me in places
of empty spaces
that once was our home

The sixth sense
you neglected
will prance on your mind
throwing down the gauntlet
against your withdrawal function

And your skin, undergo ecdysis
lurching for my touch

You'll lift up your eyes
to the black and blues
drawing constellations of hopes,
hoping for a shooting star

Chanting recitals of repentance,
seeking redemption
you'll sacrifice burnt offerings
of your priced possession
Awaiting my return

I'll send you back my empathy,
reduced to ashes

You'll ponder,
Is this what become of us?
Time defying our union.

Years there on
you'll have me engraved
in your cavernous chest

And I'll be your only religion

You'll search fragments of me
in others
And meander down the lorn tracks
to fill the void

But before long
I'll be gone.
Written by
Carolyn Diana
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