Within mein hermitage now dwells one euphoric troglodyte who wept upon hearing unbelievable news, (albeit at snail's pace schlepped finally proclamation emancipation gave reasonable rhyme yours truly to ******* (not prematurely), subsequently I leapt
into the air, and kept myself aloft completing one after another sumersault and except for minor nuisance of gravity nevertheless landed feet first and crept back into mine mancave adept to survive alone in the wilderness.
Seventy four million popular votes tallied across country, gives ample reason to grind hips and bump, (cuz the most votes cast for any presidential candidate in history), which Republican contender finally plopped hook line and anchored
courtesy Taj Mahal replica sinker into dustbin of history good riddance electorate voted out loutish oaf, which voters chose to dump best mandated to cavort with zoot suited frump on any given Wednesday available to **** rotund barenaked lady merging into humongous protoplasmic lump.
Caught red handed concerning more'n where's the beef stole 2016 election under nose of Hillary Clinton abused role, when tasked as commander in chief
good ole Charlie Brown nemesis caused nothing but grief, hence yours truly quite elated upon occasion when figurative new leaf turned over and booted out as more onerous than Baghdad thief.
Hit the ground running with nary a second to waste Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and company proving their steely eyed mettle after victory lap Democrats did taste
usher in COVID-19 game plan bolstering pandemic defences where prior administration sorely misplaced priorities United States Lady Liberty wantonly, undeservedly, subsequently her reputation disgraced.
Hope springs eternal - ah tis amazing grace yours truly suddenly brimming with optimism able bodied diverse cabinet to erase formerly inept sycophants with intentions base running amok within White House
at long last competent candidate won the race adieu Donald Trump, who did disappearing act at Mar-A-Lago without a trace sore loser teed off absent American delivering his humiliating defeat coup de grΓ’ce.