Every morning and every night I wake up and then go to sleep having to make a choice whether to shrink my heart and my perception of the world to only that which I can see to become wounded and scared
or to become wiser and more in love with the kindness that holds me together that cradles me at night and when I travel through towns amongst strangers alone
to keep allowing the beauty I see in eyes of old women and their silver grey hair as well as the laughter of friends nearing my age laughing uncontrollably at each other’s words make me believe in growing older and more tender and in how loving and attentive one humanbeing can be towards another how simple it is to show care how important it is never withhold light or love
every morning and every night I choose again, and again
and again
I close my eyes, ball up my little fists and whisper “ do not shrink; take courage heart of mine” again and again and again in my empty room I do not feel alone I see more than lack and sorrow in my life I see the capacity of the empty space to hold; its abundance is clear