Is there something wrong with me For me to be punished as I am? Gifted with sincere love after high school, but before I was alone Lacking the social skills those years were meant to teach me. Only ever to experience one one-sided romance, hardly tempted to call it a real relationship.
Still, utterly single...but I can handle being so. I simply don't want to.
With each passing year I feel like a beautiful peacock With each feather plucked by the year For each time i failed to find my mate.
But when I let down my feathers And I try to go about it naturally I am unseen...
To be named beautiful appealing good looking
yet to be treated like I am just a temporary good moment
I'm crushed because I know my worth...
but just because I do that only leaves it one-sided
I can be without a phone, but if I am surrounded by a sea of those with one, no one will notice me.
I feel like a ghost who wants to be seen...
How ironic is it to be a hopeless romantic who lacks that?