Arouse from their mouths were bullets to my chest, upon these bullets was my name written as the rest. Like a cheetah’s speed, my reaction to this test. Awaken neurons now fighting at their best, rushes to the head causing my hormone to explode into a mess.
As a stone upon my heart, so it falls, struggling to lift the weight but gradually giving into it all. Bones become liquid, whilst shock waves ripples through my flesh. A point increased upon it's scale as my body experiences a hurricane tale no one can tell.
Like a door to the world my blood rushes for escape, itching the walls of my throat as each molecule slowly replaces my air. As I open my mouth, a drop of misspell, a drip of long pauses, a drip of ahhhs rushes like blood down my lips.
Still as I be, my body runs a marathon within me, soaked like a brisk ocean wave rubbed against me. Once calm, now freeze, the quiet soul rushes into the breeze. This feeling now fades away as it waits to be reincarnated another day.