“Why can’t you go for a butcher, a baker or even( God forbid )a candlestick maker?”
“What was the name of your last saint?”
“George the something or other...the jealous one?”
“Just wait ‘til he finds out you’ve dumped him for a dragon!”
“A dragon...what will it be next eh...eh?”
“An unicorn...a chimera?” her mother moans on and on.
But wild eyed and dreaming daughter’s not even listening
dreaming only of her dragon
of his fiery breath of his shiny scales of the graceful curl of his tail.
“A dragon loves me...” “A dragon loves me...”
she whispers to the inner core
of her self.
The title was encountered during our visit to the National Gallery in Sofia and we instantly fell in love with it. It is from Nicola Kezhuharovo( 1892-1971 )and the painting comes from 1922. It depicts a distraught mother prostrate before her daughter who stares mad-eyed and wildly into space whiles being enfolded and enraptured by the asaid fore-mentioned dragon of the title. On closer inspection the dragon turns out to be a handsome hunk of ectoplasm who has the feathered wings of an angel and the coiled serpent body of a lamiae...what John Keats could have done with this! It fairly set the imagination racing!