You're always there for me To keep me strong Always encouraging The right not wrong Always a friend to me The best one forever Whenever I am feeling sad u pick me up and make me glad Whenever I struggle you pull me along Out of the shadows here you come Always like the man I never seen The one that balances my family But you always believe that you will be short lived Only to keep peace between ourselves Never to feel a drop of happiness Staying away from the brightness Even though you've grown ten feet tall You still act as you're two inches small And you think that you're soul is gone For a soul t never leaves your side It may grow smaller than you For it doesn't one what to do But it's ok soldier just be strong Because you still got you're heart beating strong And you're mind to keep you on You are who you want to be Never change for anybody That is the message you gave to me In the car when you talk to me Once you open your eyes And actually breath You will see all of the beauty My real thoughts of my brother