Watching couples from A distance Wondering if mine has an existence Someone to hold hands with I know it aches my heart But I can see my worth slowly crumbling apart I want someone to spend my holidays with Family time with stories to share along with A kiss No even worried about gifts Hanging with each others parents and playing with kids Holding hands on car rides Sharing drinks & sticking by our sides Is that to much to ask for? The more I daydream the more I can't ignore Will someone take me? I hate begging, I'm impatient for love I'm to be patient but why not start A new journey I'm slowly burning, Discomfort has me learning I'm watching couples from A distance Began to think mine has no existence Nothing but A harsh experience Why am I smiling to wake up in A dark reality? Someone deserves this best part of me I wasn't the greatest in my past But tough love I've learned pretty fast I believe I'm good to show my commitment I've been told I'm A gentleman Take it from me not them They only noticed my flaws not the real story Trust me I'm worth something no need to worry