Artificial Intelligence, I assume, is not About androids conquering the world I will get back to this a little later, but Let’s first clear what became blurred
You’ve grown into a person very receptive To every single signal Onliners propose As if internet is holding you captive And it doesn’t even occur to you to oppose
Writing comments and pressing “send” Makes you believe you’re the “Mr. Action” What you don’t get on the other hand It’s actually nothing but total distraction
It’s like shackles or addictive drugs Can’t get rid of it, like a bad hoodoo You need LIKES more than you need HUGS Besides, you need them right away, too
Swiping and clicking. New forms of caresses A heart is less needed than a mobile device It is the real you that a screen replaces A sad way of saying it clear and concise
Romance is easy now, revenge is cheap In the realm of emojis and icons Emotions are at the bottom of the heap A synthetic world that is, virtually nylon
It’s been, I’m afraid, taking you forever to see Happiness and log-in names are now good neighbors Yes, love is in the air, I suppose I don’t disagree Or in the deep ocean, running through cables
Online friendships are inhumanly careless Ignorance is a habit now, better get used to it As long as here and there you can get wireless That’s the new oxygen or blood, taken for granted
Robot’s skinning you alive is a naive fantasy You’re eating your own flesh. What a decadence. It’s getting worse than this volunteer fallacy Everything’s artificial, why not intelligence
The fantasy however, will turn into a nightmare If digital life becomes a more routine policy Labyrinth’s warning you with the utmost care You’re making the A.I. a self-fulfilling prophecy