Why can't I be a pair of scissors? Cutting my way through unneeded pieces of paper Creating shapes of something I hide inside And even if I don’t pick the colors of my forms I form a voice of the colors shaping my opinionated margins yes my margins are opinionated because if the side lines weren't there The court would not exist would it? And if the benches didn't exist Well you wouldn't have a team would you??
Why can't I be the voice of truth Roaming around people Perpetrating through human voices And righteous leaders now fail to exist… And existence would be simple And simple would not be impossible For your complexity drives me through alleys of doubt And routs I take for a mistake I'll never love you as much as I do now… Look at me He says to the slightly misguided princess Now rubbing the dirt of her red converse Conversing here and there, Diverse attitudes thrown upon her face; Like she's delightly unpleased with you And jovially laughing upon her anger And angry as I be, I cannot but look into those eyes On phone screens And wallpapers Creating walls of papers For my heart shaped scissors to cut through And create a notion of change ill never arrange But what would be the master conductor of it all Is my deranged heart
Why can't I be just another teenager A stranger So as to say she would never get to know me And I will just be feeling the exact same thing I am feeling now Why can't I be just another teenager that is fooled by politicians? Consumes the blooms of colerly glooms in rooms Posters and fumes of dark metal flumes Like the night wasn't enough to empty rage reflecting upon stars
The product of man The lifelong process of spending money to get money Call this the circle of life, the cycle of human beings Creating asylums and cages and pentagons To get out of their own I build my empire upon your thrown I breathe the last exhaled strokes of oxygen you have thrown I conclude whatever you hypothesized And size doesn’t matter For matter scatters when the seed is not firm A seed becomes a tree And a tree becomes me And I become this land And this land is not free Farmers affirming formulas upon frightened fortune tellers Fortune was never destiny Fortune was the future fought for Lets fight ow man…ow trees Lets fight
Why can't I just be her eye lashes? So I could stare into her honesty all day Prepare myself to contract and kneel to protect her delicacy from dust Open widely as I represent a sense of her pleasure And shut when my heart shatters on her melancholy As my tender touches console her frail eyes
I don’t want to be just another majd Another shidiac of the family tree Those existential moments embellished with a thought of her smile Sponsored by a scent on my hands I hand out the clarity she hands out to me I unknot the ties you created with a simple smile The grins are so thin with the upper lip of nonexistence Yet the content descent upon thee Like the holy rain that has never been experienced by the uninvolved We humans do not experience We humans create experiences Expressions show upon our faces as we agree upon our work Or decide to disregard Disagree with the outcome of thoughtless days of planning I plan to be something more than what I am I plan to be something she wants me to be And go passed that to something bigger I plan to be the savior of my earth Yet be the only earth that could give water to her smiles I plan to be the director of revolutionary wars Yet the warrior under the flag of her eyes I want to be whatever she wants me to be In twine with what I plan to be And a bit more than that… And a bit more than that…