Upon the face of blue-green globe in endless, unfelt spin amid a vast and still expanding space life unfolds in movement crawling, flying, swimming sinuous, slow or fast in terms of grace and pace
Mountains soar to pierce the endless skies of storm or calm where clouds mist pinnacles of green, of fiery red, or white Sun warms by day, then stars in frosted wonder grace with diamonds the velvet night
Crawling creatures, the still earth in endless movement carpet Flying creatures fill the skies with hum and swish of beating wing and every swimming creature stirs the fathomed depths and makes the Sailor's heart with longing sing
And in the crown that graces all of Earth a treasure trove of jewels in splendour lie blossoms that in shape and form and colour fill with awe and wonder heart and eye
Such is Nature, realm of the great Creator Realm of the Artist who with brush unseen paints the world with red, blue, gold and silver orange, yellow, white and blue and green