Govemouse is a seal shaped animal, friendly and they were plentiful often used as Sunday steak and a must at Christmas when their meat was used to make sausages and meatballs. A villager, who had spent many years in France brought sheep, and a few donkeys to help carrying the harvest of carrots and cabbage down from villagers fields. Wool and meat make a sheep. The Govemouse, no longer needed migrating down to the coast, the few that stayed became pets for the children and cared for by elderly women. A road up to the village was built and many tourists thinking it was romantic, but the strange man who had lived among them took his knapsack and left for the coast, where he noticed a ship in the bay that had been abandoned by its owner and the crew had not been paid for the last year. They had nothing to eat and since they were paperless could not go ashore. What saved them from starvation was the Govemouse that was happy to be useful again.