Prayer is a pearl of great price In this windswept pilgrimage which is ours. Oh, to discover the secrets of prayer! That will bring us nearer to God To listen for His still small voice And close enough to hear His whisper. His whisper of wisdom for our lives.
Prayer is remaining still in His presence To seek to see His gentle face, And touching the strings of His heart For a desperately sin-sick human race. But alas, our greatest neglect is prayer And therefore seeing the world Hell-bound Hell-bound, the disastrous effects of prayerlessness.
Prayer brings great pleasure to our God. He knows our every need and desire And He answers us before we call. Loving to see us place our trust Utterly in His good and wise judgment. His desire is to have our fellowship Our fellowship, the reason of our creation.
Prayer, the precious communion between Creator’s heart And the heart of His beloved creation. He waits to hear our smallest cry And yet we leave Him so alone Longing for our fellowship, He pines Waiting, longing, craving, imploring, crying, crying Crying, crying, just to hear our voices………….