the forming of substance 02 Stephan W (fallen, from grace) ~
It is with the finest of graces that lips were seared into a silent forgetting;
the burning coal was a gift--
The newly-born cries, but with a long lost forgetting. What it witnessed from within the sphere-- what it saw, no longer a menace in its perfection
And so, trust and hope enter into the young child's world- not as an unnatural occurrence or that of chance,
but as a natural attachment into the primal, residual imprint left on the spirit; pre-birth--
That of perfection-- needs met before they were ever expressed.. before they were even felt-- The spirit-- wholly encased in being Loved, in being fully known.
Hope and trust, a gradual remembering of that perfection- an aligning into what is already imprinted into the DNA of the spirit, (when attached to and within a body of skin)--
by being given a chance.. just a chance. ~ ~
Warmth, and kindness is Love's re-lighting of the candle-- flickering dimly at first, but- if not abused, always received- much like one would receive an old friend.
The hope and trust of a child is Love's way of introducing Magic into the world- Through the spirit's own remembering of its own primal instinct--
That, of perfection; fully loved.. within the presence, of absolute perfection.
Hope is a gift. Trust-- a conduit.
the 100% eclipse has passed, the shadow's darkness giving way back, again-- to the light of day Stapelton, Nebraska