We think death is romantic Because the same lilies our ex bought us On our first date are neatly draped Over the caskets as decoration (But there are no flowers in our arms As we lie alone inside)
We think death is liberating Because we imagine the shackles Of society falling off our wrists and ankles As we fly to a better place (But in reality We are locked in a prison Beneath six feet of dirt)
We think death is infinite Because we can never return To the people who harmed us And the house that was never a home (But our bodies are not eternal As they slowly decompose Back to nature in the ground)
What we fail to realize is that Life is romantic, liberating, and infinite
Romantic in the form of a sunrise Climbing over a calm sea, Liberating in the form of birds Traveling to anywhere they please, Infinite in the form of flowers, Dying and regrowing in the spring
So on the day that you make your decision, To end your (romantic, liberating, And infinite) life I beg you to reconsider, Because you may already have exactly What you are looking for.