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Jun 2013
The imagination is a terrible thing
When left to its own devices
Cruel and calculating
It flourishes in discontent
And swells to immensity
Awash in the madness of
The dark
I lay here
Two continents away
With rational thought
Deemed ineffective as you
Hold me close in fear's grip

You are the monster
Under the bed
I, the shaking child
Afraid to glance
For fear of fear's assertion
--Mutter prayers
Under closed eyes--
The mind wanders
Against better judgment
And in darkness
This imagination
Swells once again

Stay under the bed
Stay out of sight
You detestable
Delectable beast
Only with madness
Can you corrupt me
--Though I willingly
Already mad and
rotten to the core
Such emotion poured
Over shaky bones
And you
Devious beast
Play games with
Passing shadows
Keeping me on
Sanity's frail edge
Too afraid to stray
From comfort's reach
I can only watch
As you grin
With eager
Bloodstained smiles
And slip out of sight
Into endless darkness
Once again
Written by
Craig Verlin  San Francisco
(San Francisco)   
     Micahel De Tomasso, Craig Verlin and Odi
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