Hi, I’m Kairee. I have anxiety sometimes. But am I really allowed to say that if I’ve never sought help for it? I googled the definition of “anxiety” today. Google told me it’s self-diagnosable. That reassured me.
To be honest, I want help, but mental health isn’t so important to our society, and my insurance won’t cover it. I can’t afford a hundred dollar appointment once a week or every other week, especially if it’s going to take months or years to crack me open.
Basically, when a piece or many pieces of my life feel out of my control, I can’t breathe. I feel like everything inside me is going to explode. I feel crazy. I need something to latch onto to stop my head from spinning. That thing is usually work.
Today, I went to work. And now I feel okay.
I guess that will continue until the next time this happens.