when you read my poems— do you see my words explaining the littlest of details till you can breathe them, feel them and then relate with them
do you call it beautiful like others— yet can't relate, feel or breathe them, knowing they don't understand any of it
do you like them without knowing— how the words can build you a safe haven keep you warm in this abyss of a world
do you space out as you read each line— touching the stars and getting pulled into a colourful and yet dark world of emotions
do you feel your heart respond— as you see yourself in each stanza wondering if we've experience life together
do you feel nostalgic by the message— that each poem represents one of your emotions that you've buried deep within to fit in as normal for others
do you just pass through them— thinking it's just words by another inept human being who doesn't know a thing about your life not to talk about emotions
when you read my poems forget about who wrote it or why or where or how it came to be— read to understand the depth of the emotion and how it affects you