Sitting tykes burned foliage dendrite dikes Little must devil and dust fastidious proclivity Burgeoning each gamma and beta flee with light eddies arid not temper Summers fink dropped sweat waxen goliaths bracken bracts flummoxed of ashen desert Trial of carbon of smothers sisters and brothers graphite delusions of water fed gnats blasting the torrid fires Leviathan confessions wields fuming digression from the truth of need a fleet of mighty 747s water drops!!! ...and Phos-Cheks too! Said Smokey the Boo! Channel the gas tax to what need be done 20 Water tanker 747s at Edwards Air Force base now maybe the real war is on! Even if you take the face value for what it is(a good way to fight fires that's been needed for decades our paths must have strayed) there's no arguing the facts of the mission people lose houses their lives ****** disarray it's only a tax shift and refurbished fleet of jets away
No Kidding! This should be a Proposition! Should've been 20 years ago when i estimate they began retiring some of the 747 400 !