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Sep 2020
Hearts and *****
Pink so punk
Strawberry Sweetcake
but so high, so drunk!
*** and candy
Raunchy fancy
I'm a star, I'm a *****
I am something you fear
I shine - but you don't want to see

I want it all in my bag!
and in fact, I can!
Don't tell me I can't be what I want
I can be all I need

I can't put it into words
so I buy clothes
I need no speech
me as me

menhera kawaii ****** **** chick
punk kinderwhore emo with *******
I play with everything!
I know who I am
his ***** dream
and I'm loving every minute of it...
my own woman giving in to nothing
but me and my dreams
living in the clouds, writing my stuff
look at me, you don't understand what you see
do you think I care? less than you think
Courtney O
Written by
Courtney O  27/F/Madrid
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