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Jun 2013
Spur of the moment. You popped up on me tonight. You let your money talk and your tips cried, "I miss you." I tried to keep my guard up and it was hard for me to not kiss you. No matter what you'd do, it would be hard for me to diss you. And I couldn't help but to tell you to come to my place around the time the sun rises, knowing this would pose an issue......Spur of the moment.

I stepped out the shower and fell into your arms, so much passion because I can feel his heart ache. You ripped off my towel and fondled my body as my softly planted kisses charmed your snake. And I notice you like to grip onto my hips. I got annoyed and shoved you on my bed because I was anxious to taste your ****. You almost finished so you made me stop. But when you went down on me......I felt a rush of shame and pleasure as I felt God frown on me.

I'm good for no one. I'm too ******* weak. This is the second time I've cheated this week. I shouldn't have ****** you. Because I keep hurting someone who I claim to love. Writing this as my eyes swell up with sadness and the tears are flying like doves. Trying to silently weep, because you're next to me peacefully my satin sheets. And another tear for being shady. I'm supposed to be having his baby. And another tear drops....because I know when I see him I'll kiss him in the mouth. With the same mouth I used to **** and *******. And he'll never know. And another tear because this is twice in a row. It was me just being a ***. Almost premeditated, so it wasn't so......spur of the moment.
Written by
Deity  California
   Tanya V, Higgs and Hollie Elizabeth
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