out of sight out of mind: otherwise feeding on opinions - to somehow find a reactionary me: better still: to leech onto a driftwood of dialectics - but this silence of the mind... i can't call it anything but: a silence of the mind... having to arrive late... late to a "party"... or... slang... or some: in-group preference... details: it's not enough to have a dialectical - yes... even an ambition... for the most part... it is to have some unshakeable ideological foundations... to be persuaded... to be subverted...
well i do have a few of my own: but i hide them - not out of shame... disgruntlement of otherwise: perhaps i am a coward or perhaps... solo projects akin to ping pong are just daft... otherwise cognitively debilitating...
we: yes... there's a "we" are pandering to some moon-settlers project of beijing... culture death my withering ears... i could come by tomorrow as blind... and... lie in bed all day... listening to bbc radio 3 wouldn't even cross my mind as anything remotely related to either: bad, or idea...
it's a hardening of arteries... calling blood the nuanced fudge... a simple task for the prison of life: like a very important arithmetic of counting toothpicks: best those not used...
a degrading sadness of an absence... otherwise nuances: a borrowed mishap... something begging from an e. e. cummings... cut-offs and... what years we lived when there was a nostalgia for 1950s through to... of h'american literature...
the gist of the beatnik mantra... scraping from the soviet satellites... a flirtation from beyond the satellite states that...
it would be very formidable in the governing body of silence: to somehow pester away the needs of chit-chat... small-talk... if only... there was a sparrow brain ingrained in the frivolity of the stated affair...
points of nuance and some left-over blues: this overtly-psyche-complications of robotic familiarity - the desire to ask for water from a stone... a cuddle from a serpent... a god from a monkey...
the last known edit and that first tangling of weapons known as... etymological-disparity-of-nouns... or the etymological-noun-congregation... certainly not among pronouns or conjunctions...
my grammar skeleton heaving prose-esque ambitions... how i don't rhyme or: meter... such written... mute towing... for eyes alone...
a 7am redemption - a pedestrian employment of: tickling legs... two minutes apart: or two minutes together... a dry key in a wet keyhole...
the disambiguation of greek... from a φ into a θ... under the earth of a multitude of voices... some pipsqueak loiter of a man... lumberjack tally... words of shoveling diamonds as: composed grains of sand... a loot of a curriculum vitae - an "inconvenience" of punctuation... hell... what about teasing orthography: it's not like english (language) will ever pursue orthography...
breaking the bank of metaphysics... of course english will be broken parted drawn apart on the topic of: the language written and the language spoken... a language hardly seen... when:
loch and chisel make gratitude of the same meat: a silesian delight of silesian potato nuggets... a cow tow of tongue... in a creamy horseradish sauce... sparrows attend to the pretences of small-talk...
my burden of thought: moral, ought... or the very physicality of: copernicus ate a fried egg rather than scrambled eggs one day...
surd letters: notably the H... and diacritical application... e.g. CHeap vs. Čas (time) or... SHeep vs. Šyk (vogue) compiled: SHCH: Щ: ŠČ(ek): bark... to bark: ŠČ-eka-ć to hide the halved-crown on a letter... then again: to somehow hide letter(s)... details unconsummated... rigid details... satanic ploy of hidden ambitions... in english: a **** canvas... perhaps, reminded: as a "waiting" attempt...
it all works perfectly fine... in the mind of firm rooting posit... the bilingual is the new schizophrenic... unshakeable foundations: dreams up being awake... slouches toward an inconvenience of being asleep...
hell-** some quest of a Mr. Shaw... Jan Huß... breaking the crab of Y and constellation of gamma and upsilon... detailed art this clinic of orthography... but it's no surprise... the english have no orthological "questions": loophole darwinism of the pop monkey project of metaphysics...
and better quest for nuance with satellite and aeons and a side project of: the silence of saturn...
the celebrated protagonist plot line... of a tiger... a lion... here: insert herd... that predators are celebrated... towing tiger... but never in a homogenous debility of: NO OUTSIDE INFLUENCE... man borrows: scrutiny... man plays with leverage and: