what are you thinking at this very moment ......... no really .......... ......... ....... .. . I wanted to know....
I can tell you anything ok no I can't something keeps me from treating you like I treat my best friend don't get me wrong you're my best friend but not like that I would do absolutely anything in the world for the best friend who knows me
I know I know the same goes for you but there are times when I feel you tug up on the zipper so I close it tight sensing it just wouldn't be right to spill
I want to just throw it all at you but your responses confuse me throw me way off the track you don't laugh you don't grin and I know I'm overflowing with sunny demeanor into your half empty bowl
You said yourself you aren't happy not long ago and I let my oceans flow while you said more unimaginables into my stained shoulder from the back as you let me walk out the door carving canyons on the way to my car you were confident then and I stood--a drained puddle
Do you know that I think of you every sun as it rises every coffee and lunch every blink every sneeze every moon as it shines
the summer brings out my pensive nature and I want to explore people's mouths dip n dots little bursts of tasteful words and creation it happens all the time but especially in the summer when my thoughts are the only thing that could turn cold
They freeze often too much to thaw back to body temperature while I shiver I always think about glass
and how you put it between you lips and breathe how the jungle in your closet paves the way to the bank so you can spend less time in the Subway I feel sick to my heart knowing you know that I hate it
it wouldn't be that way if it were nothing but I see it in my sleep brush it off my skin wash it in my hair taste it in my mouth we both know its something
I want to marry you well not right now whoa that came out kinda fast don't run away I didn't mean it but actually [I did] [I do?] wait did you hear me? oh nothing
See I watch all my friends twirl in true love and I am truly in love but I can't twirl if you don't move with me
hey what are you thinking just say it anything that chair looks uncomfortable why do we chew gum today I had tea I work too much my knees hurt I sit too much I hate bees anything anything I love you too and I'm more than a motion I feel and think I feel and think and, well. what was I saying? anything anything
what are you thinking don't hold back I'm here and I want you I want you to be my best friend the one you aren't yet ........ you can tell me .............. .............. I'm listening ........... ............ ............. ........ .... . okay