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Sep 2020
I get it now

I saw so much in her
Perfect in every imperfection.
Heart of pure love
A smile that warmed my broken heart
The dream girl I'd always imagined
Intentions so pure.

My Hearts
Fallen Angel

All I needed
Life material you might say

But I

A stupid heart reduced to coal, mercury arteries, yes my intentions were true but I had to be the idiot to question Her!

No-one will ever know of this but I truly did love her

I loved her smile
The way it warmed me from the inside

The way she'd play with her hair liquifying the inner crevasses of this heart

I loved how kind hearted she was and how she cared so much but I always believed she deserved better realizing I am tormented, a burden unbaringly deserved.

I should've said what I felt
I should've kissed her

Instead leant Apon the door
I wouldnt allow myself

I looked You in the eyes and shot myself

Although all I wanted was to see you
I couldn't for your own good
You knew it was coming
That's why you ask dme to leave you alone
So it wouldn't be as painful

A Necessary Sacrifice
Your Happiness and Well being
All I want for you

Til time flies and paths not overstep

I'll be wishing you well

From a Place, Time and Location Never Known

Just as much the mystery to me than you

In search of







A piece of Myself I could never forget because of You
Written by
Lee  25/M/SA
   Bogdan Dragos
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