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Sep 2020
The fresh air, the sunshine, and the anonymity of the unknown.
Outside you can be adventurous, free, or held captive by fear.
The constant anxiety of never really feeling safe.
Because even when you're surrounded by smiling strangers and crowds of people you’re still alone.
Kidnappers, killers, and pedophiles, knowing they exist sends shivers down my spine.
Some days I enjoy going outside, the greenery, the sights to see, and my favorite thing the sky.
The wisps of clouds canvasing their simple but elite contrast to the sky.
No filter, no limit to the wonders they project to my eyes.
Whether it was clear, stormy, night, or day I was never unsatisfied.
I wish I could hold on to the feeling forever
But the irrational fear of being taken or the thoughts of a tragedy always spoiled the glee and brought me back to reality.
The world is not safe, there are bad people, people who want to harm and hurt.
They never even give families a chance to say goodbye.
There are good days and bad days.
Days where I don’t give myself the chance to step outside and see a peek of sunshine
Or days where I can let myself go to a park, laugh and have a good time.
It’s not outside that is bad or harmful, but the paranoia that instills fear and chains me by a leash.
Written by
Alina  F
     Nylee, ---, Johnny Scarlotti and ju
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