When Sylvia Plath first met Ted Hughes, she bit his cheek so hard that blood oozed from his skin. I want to believe I made an impression like that on you. (Not the first time, when I was fourteen, because I was awkward with too much eyeliner and not enough ideas) I marked you, on your bones, beneath skin where only I could see it. (Beneath layers and layers and layers, so I could fit comfortably. A parasite) Sylvia and Ted married quickly, but the idea of marriage terrifies me, but I want to be with you forever, (and yet I don’t) Sylvia loved Ted. and I love you. too much. so much. (my chest deflates when I think about empty beds) please do not leave me, like Ted left Sylvia.
do not find muses, inspirations, but since I am the writer, I need to find my muse. (you are my only one)
I think Sylvia and Ted shared writings, but I cannot show you most of my words, for the truth would burn, and I wouldn’t know how to put out the fire. but Ted was a writer, you are not. so I will be like Sylvia, writing about people I love, until it consumes me entirely.