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Sep 2020
Don't know how to accept the truth,
That I know is real.
But your actions make very obvious,
what you say is not how you feel.
I beg of you time and again,
to just be honest, please.
But it's obvious you never cared,
or even listened to my needs.
You simply wish to have your way,
doing what you think you must.
Even though it has done,
nothing but **** my trust.
You always say you promise,
then rage out if I ask.
But you still hold all those habits,
that show me you put me last.
Why do you insist on claiming,
that you do love me?
When lies betrayal and abuse,
are the only gifts you've given me.
I've begged you " please stop cheating"
I'll beg you one last time.
Cuz' if this time nothing changes,
then I'll have to say goodbye.
I deserve honesty
and a partner I can trust.
I had wished it could be you,
but I'm almost ready to give up.
Hawley Anne
Written by
Hawley Anne  29/F/Vancouver BC
(29/F/Vancouver BC)   
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