Integration that we clamour for Disintegration we design for Unity in Diversity: India’s facet Diversity , disunity are in closet.
No national spirit acts in rescue; No co-ordination glares unique. Vitiated Political Ambitions snarl At the stranded panicky people.
The Himalayan chill frozen minds Eat , drink in star bars and mines. Father of the Nation Gandhiji weeps At Highway junctions in Idol forms.
Harijans weep , Girijans weep, but None to keep promises highly put. In Legislature Canteen Primary needs Pitiably play shadow-dance; no deeds.
Votes and Whiskey stirred black- horses Rush to mikes in spikes ; roar for votes!. Illiterate poor and injured minds again Ink : first- finger for a five year tension !
Gandhiji=Mahatma Gandhi;Harijans=the people of the God(the Marginalized suppressed group.) and Girijans=tribals, Gandhiji called them.Still, we have untouchability in the society.