Every page was part of the story. Every sentence, every word. Crafted over decades. Like a book They treated people the same. Instead of reading all the pages, the good and the bad. All they wanted to do was skim, flick through the pages to the good bits Ignorant of the true story. how the journey took them there. Just looking for the happy ending. Then after reaching the end of the page and realising that the story wasn't complete, they decided the book wasn't for them. They may read a little more. Come back and finger the pages for fun, but it was only a few pages that made them feel good. Finally they put the book down, tossed it aside and picked up a glossy magazine. The kind that is relevant for two weeks then back to the recycle bin. No substance all pictures, sensation and glitz. In a couple of weeks a new copy to finger through. So are you a book or a magazine. Is there a story or a few extracts. Are you a reader or do you flick through books and never read. You see one day you have to pick up a book with your name upon it. Will reading it be hard? Will you simply flick through it unable to face your own story.