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Jun 2010
katie is stuck on a blank word document that
is not glaringly white but invitingly blue!
katie is watching a cute thing brushing his teeth a half hour’s
walk but a longer time’s preparation and mental strength away.
katie is fighting tears for no good reason and would like to fall asleep.
katie is wondering where this newfound malaise has come from, and would
like to tell it: I know you are fighting for strength but I will fight for my freedom!
katie adores her cute thing’s pixilated mug flashing across the screen.
katie is absolutely dreading her inevitable trip home
at some point during the next week and a bit.
katie is angry at her *** drive for disappearing on her so gradually
that she didn’t really notice it was gone until it was too late!
katie is unsure about the future and thinks that being
psychic might be a really big help with planning her life.
katie is not sure what’s going to happen next year, but does
know that it will include more yarn and fresh vegetables.
katie is unsure of her relationship status.
katie would like to sleep now and forever.
katie is never going to start working today.
- march 2009
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