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Jun 2013
I don't take risks, I can't
I only have enough, for today
I know what losing costs,
Coins rolling away, no moss
a gathering, this or any way.

I walk at the fringe and look in
I see in the reflection, ofΒ the mirror,
my weakness, my resolve has stress-
fractures, my life a poorly played chess
match, if only, my head were clearer.

I need fresh air, let me out, of this box
so much refuse to trip on with shoes,
feet not mine that I hide with black socks,
the only hazard is me, you best take stock
and remember don't regret what you choose.

Pass me a glass
with a splash
of red, dry plum
fruit with peppered
notes, my nose so
tainted, I would
not be a taster
but a waster of
delights, ...
well maybe not,
of all delights.
Dark Chocolate, for example and... red wine not just any red wine ...etc I know TMI
The title was taken from the last two words of the 1st, 2nd and third verses, but you knew that.
Written by
Ottar  where you will find me
(where you will find me)   
   st64, Emmi and AJ
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