They say You are what you eat So I pick beautiful flowers And devour them.
Don't be afraid They take root in my brain pinch my eyes closed pry my heart open Slip seeds into my bloodstream
I devour flowers Because they are small beautiful things And I want to be Beautiful In that same fragile and wilting way.
I take them from the ground so that one day I can wither in embraces And die in glass containers On your bedside table In your living room Still and stuck and slow
I put them in my mouth whole Petals tickling my tongue Sliding down my throat Roots melding into flesh
And they taste like sunshine and dirt And something distinct that feels like Breathing
I devour them till I have a garden growing in my stomach Breaking across my skin
And I will keep Devouring Till they take root in my heart And I am made of fragile Beautiful Things That you can devour.