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Aug 2020
Where once a beacon shone, now light refracts,
Shivers, darts, splits, skims across a skein,
Cowers in the darkness, and breaks pacts,
A pale, weak, wan scattering that has been
Abused, neglected, rent apart; and yet…
Born of a cold star’s clays, too warm, but still
Apt to frame life’s own life, lest we forget.
Heat hammers in the South, and Northern chill
Slides grindingly, disturbing clammy seas;
The unseen worm infests our nests, brings ill
To tender recess of a cavern’s breeze.
And yet ... unbidden, bright heart beats a thrill;
For while there’s life, hope holds despair in reins
And pulses light into this mad world’s veins.
reflections upon a mad year
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