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Aug 2020
I was the firecracker, you were the flame.
My fuse was too short, I projected my pain. You might have burned me but the pieces still sting.
I left all of myself in smoke and debris.
Scattered among my goals and dreams.
Thought I was a man, the kind who stood up for what he believes.

That little boy inside,
he wouldn’t let me climb
out from the fountain.
Youthfulness proved useless,
said you heard it all before.
“Sorry doesn’t mean a thing to me, if you can’t change anything”

Stepped away from the damage.
Couldn’t bear to watch,
the man stripped away from the boy inside.
Sometimes the worst parts in life,
are the best in hindsight.
Written by
Eric Michael  32/M/Lanc, PA
(32/M/Lanc, PA)   
   Addison René
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