The joy you give me is unlike any other Our spirits are joined, instantly one Of love done wrong and sometimes not even together We lost time of what is truly important Given the situation, we let our lives lay dormant To the influential, expertise of false lovers advises We cut off all tides, to those evils in disguises To put love first is a must, for sure To show love first, is almost unnatural, but pure Like driving at night with no glasses Love is knowing you need each other, minus the past Subtracting all the hurt and pain, even though it's painfully there Aware of what's more important and showing love that can be fair Giving in to your own crazies, and sticking to the storyline Love is more than just a word, it's an action stamped in our hearts and mind If we took the time each day to remind ourselves of who we are The self-love we have for us would make us better by far Giving love and showing love to others is good indeed But showing love to yourself, is a constant need to feed For how can we learn to love someone else, if we first don't loves ourselves