I wish it was easy Love and stuff Saying 'I love you' without fear Its so strange to think about. I love you is like a loaded phrase Don't you dare say it too soon Too loud Too young Too close. Like a gun. Aimed for your head. Aimed for your heart, too. A pistol with three chambers loaded I Love You Each a separate shot. First in the throat, and you lose your voice while you wait On baited breath for the rest of what they'll say. Then the stomach, when the meaning of that word is suddenly Printed in bold-face type on the backs of your eyelids. And finally, your heart. When you hear the last word, and you get a sweet, bitter ache in your heart Because they love You. You, with all your flaws and cracks and fears bared to them You, with every anxiety and heartbreak you put them through daily You, who couldn't Shouldn't, would never Deserve to be loved. But they say it, and the truth just hits you. So hard, it hurts. It feels good. Why you? Why them? ...Why not?