You were there for a moment - forcing Me to feel I hadn't felt anything in a long time Your passion Your child like heart Breathed Life back into my soul
You had a way of seeing things In color And you painted the picture Vividly For my eyes to see And you were there - forcing Me to feel A sickness in my stomach
I remembered why I had shut down But didn't I used to say I'd rather Feel pain Than nothing at all? I was like that once - full Of laughter And tears But somewhere I stopped crying
And my world turned black and white - I used to Love To roll around in red To cover myself in blue To jump high and land in pools Of green Can I cry for you?
And will those tears fall like drops of blood Painting my pillow Blots of red in a room stained white Color Any color Emotion Anything to make me feel alive Can I cry for you?
Blood red tears on field of green Beneath a blue sky Painting a spectrum of emotion In a black and white World